Germany – May 2022
Children in focus – 90th Anniversary Conference of International Social Service Germany (ISD)
May 11-12, 2022 in Essen, Germany, in the framework of the German Social Welfare Congress.
Since its foundation in 1930 as a German member of the International Social Service network, ISD (Internationaler Sozialdienst), which is today Department I of the German Association for Public and Private Welfare (Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V.), has been concerned with the consequences of migration for children and their families. Protecting children across borders, safeguarding their rights and strengthening and uniting families are the goals of this joint work, then and now. In the framework of the German Welfare Congress 2022, ISD invites you to a conference in honor of its 90th anniversary.
Spain – June 2022
University of Granada, Center for Private International Law:
June 20, 21 and 22, 2022: International Conference on the Protection of Children, Adolescents and Youth in Cross-Border Situations: legal challenges and proposals from the perspective of gender, human rights and children.
Online and in person participation: June 20, 21 and 22, 2022. Sala Triunfo of the administrative complex of the Royal Hospital of the University of Granada.
Organized by:
R+D+i Project of the ERDF 2014-2020 Operational Program/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento/B-SEJ-101-UGR18: “Private International Law Tools for the Protection of Children, Adolescents and Youth in Cross-Border Situations: identification of problems and proposal for solutions from a gender perspective”. PI. Ángeles Lara Aguado