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Useful websites

The purpose of this page is to list useful websites and online tools for professionals (legal experts, lawyers, notaries, judges, social workers, etc.) in the field of private international family law.

This list of links strives to be exhaustive and to eventually cover all existing organisations and measures in private international family law within the European Union. It is accessible to all professionals and private individuals struggling with a problem in international family law, whether they are resident in the European Union or elsewhere.

Creation of this list is based on participation and all suggestions of further resources are welcome.

Useful websites on private international law

A- Websites of international and regional organisations

B- National websites for private international law

Free access:

Paid access:

C- Websites with access to foreign law

Categorised by geographic location of websites:

Free access:

Access to French law and case law, as well as to foreign legal sites and to the sites of national, European and international courts and legal sites of the Member States.

Free websites

Paid access websites

D- Civil law cooperation projects supported by the European Commission

Other specialized support networks